Removed alot of dead links. :(
Added "About" in menu
Still Live and kicking...
I got the Following news from Reggie Hiller
Could you please post on your site that we still play Forsaken in the Direct Play room on the Zone. Thanks !
Then click on " Direct Play "
Updated some dead links, added a Forsaken Theme.
Most important of all... Kali is up and running again.
Zone has taken down their Forsaken gaming :(
Updated some dead links
Removed links to Heat.net and wireplay
Added Firewall information under the Truble? menu
Added new Level
Added new Level
Lara's Grave
Moved Site to Sweden. :)
Use the V3 URL: http://jump.to/forsaken or http://forsaken.jump.to
I hope this move increases the speed downloading things from site
New Levels Availble.Aztec & Nightship
Get them in the Levels menu!
Nothing mutch is happening on the Forsaken topic :(
Counter reached 6525...
HINT: just because the news page dont update mutch.. does not meen that rest of page is not
Voodoo3 2000/3000 Windows 9x Retail Drivers - AGP/PCI Boards Version: 1.04.00
Avalible at http://www.3dfx.com
Forsaken Finished 3rd in GaminZonE's "Game of the Millenium Poll" with 7% of the votes:
1st. Half-Life 68 votes 11%
2nd. Tribes 49 votes 8%
3rd. Forsaken 42 votes 7%
4th. Diablo 38 votes 7%
5th. Quake 36 votes 6%
6th. StarCraft 32 votes 6%
7th. Civilisation 28 votes 5%
Vote for your favorite game of the millenuim at
GaminZonE - Great Games Poll
It looks like the Forsaken site "Forsaken Anonymous" is down for god
It have been down for a while now ...Too bad :(
The Ultimate Forum (DigitalTears) are up and running again
Read more on Blaster's Page "Forsaken Headquaters"
Nothing new on Forsaken 2 ...This is what i got:
( Fingers crossed for Armorines, we're not going to be the biggest selling
game of the year but we might get a nice bonus )
As for news on Forsaken - nothing new to tell you at the moment.
There will be a Forsaken 2, it will probably lead on PSX2 and will be out
sometime in 2001.
As soon as I get more news I'll let you know !
Happy New Millenium !!!
4077 Hits reached
The forum Ultimate (DigitalTears) is temporary down
due to ISP problems... Read more on Blaster's Page "Forsaken Headquaters"
DirectX 7.0a Relesed
3DFx Relesed new Drivers
Got a new e-mail: forsaken@jump.to
Moved site to Xoom...
Some things does not work anymore like SSI and CGI stuff
and I just hate that i can't edit the site from a Telnet session
YES !!!
There will be a Forsaken 2 - it might be called Forsaken Red Dawn, or Forsaken Red Echo
My mail does not work
The only way for me to reach you is by the forums
I can however recive my mail but i cant send any
Site has to move!!
The problem is that i don't know where to put it. If YOU know a place where to put it.. CONTACT ME
I need about 100Mb space. and preferebly telnet access. on a server that support SSI
It also have to be free or someone sponsoring me
Wow.. over 1000 hits in only a few months
Today i recived a mail from Brian J. Fisher with an opt file for
Thanx Brian!
The Clan "Forsaken Fighting Forces" has closed!
Too bad... But they are talking about TT ..I have to find out what this is. I don´t have a clue if they are talking about TTC
Are you a owner of a Voodoo3 Card?
Grab the 3DfxVoodoo3.opt file
While talking to the European Acclaim Support, xxxx xxxx wrote:
Been talking to the guys in the States and there is a rumour that they want
to make Forsaken 2 - we won't be doing it here in England and it might not
happen at all
We've been making a shoot em up for the N64 instead - coming out this
Christmas - going to be called Armorines ( think Starship Troopers )
( depends on how many units D3 shifts ! )
I dont really know when they started but now Mplayer support the 1.01 patch
Registered a FREE V3-URL for this site
My URL: http://jump.to/forsaken
I got it for free at http://come.to
According to Forsaken Path´s News page... Acclaim is´t going to release a "Forsaken Level Add-on".
Created a single ZIP with all Multi-player levels. (8 Mb in size) After installing this you will have 32 levels. If you got more levels please contact me.
Started work on own Forsaken site, since almost every other forsaken pages did not update. Got it ready...But can't upload it today.. the Forsaken site is About 45Mb in size today... got to upload from my work instead
Acclaim releases new patch 1.01
This one you can get in server-mode by editing windows register or by using the util "Forsaken Launcher"
Acclaim releases new patch 1.0